Publications by L. F. Blazhyevskyi

  1. L. F. Blazhyevskyi, V. S. Yanishevsky
    The path integral representation kernel of evolution operator in Merton–Garman model
    Condens. Matter Phys. 14, No. 2, 23001 [16 p.] (2011)
  2. L. F. Blazhyevskyi, V. Yanishevsky
    A variation method in the optimization problem of the minority game model
    J. Phys. Stud. 13, No. 2, 2601 [7 p.] (2009)
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  3. L. F. Blazhyevskyi, Yu. S. Krynytskyi
    Dielectric characteristics of weakly-relativistic system of charged particles with spins
    Physical collection of Shevchenko Sci. Soc. 7, 360-368 (2008)
  4. L. F. Blazhyevskyi, M. V. Shljonzak
    Thermodynamic functions of the relativistic plasma
    Uzhhorod Univ. Sci. Herald. Ser. Phys. 21, 191-195 (2007)
  5. L. F. Blazhyevskyi
    On V. Milianchuk's works in electrodynamics
    Vasyl Milianchuk. To his 100th anniversary (Lviv: Jevrosvit) 12-13 (2005)
  6. L. F. Blazhyevskyi, B. V. Budnyj, Yu. S. Krynytskyi
    Lagrangian and Hamiltonian functions for relativistic system of charged particles
    J. Phys. Stud. 7, No. 4, 367-374 (2003)
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  7. L. F. Blazhyevskyi, A. Duviryak, A. Nazarenko
    Statistical description of the systems with constraints. Classical partition function of relativistic system of charged particles
    Physical collection of Shevchenko Sci. Soc. 4, 162-167 (2001)
  8. L. F. Blazhyevskyi
    A partition function representation through Grassmann variables
    Theor. Math. Phys. 126, No. 2, 250-257 (2001)
  9. L. F. Blazhyevskyi, A. A.Duviryak, A. V. Nazarenko
    Statistical description of the systems with constraints. Classical partition function of relativistic system of charged particles
    Fundamental and applied problems of modern physics: Proceedings of 2nd International Smakula Symposium (Ternopil: TDTU, Dzhura) 5-7 (2000)
  10. L. F. Blazhyevskyi
    Statistical density matrix and Hamiltonian of a system of relativistic charged particles
    J. Phys. Stud. 3, 284-290 (1999)
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  11. L. F. Blazhyevskyi, A. Marko
    Relativistic Schrödinger equation for the spinless particle
    Visnyk Lviv. Univ. Ser. Fiz. 32 , 1-7 (1999)
  12. L. F. Blazhyevskyi, V. V. Kovaltchuk
    About taking into account of relativistic corrections for a resonant atomic interaction
    Visnyk Lviv. Univ. Ser. Fiz. 30, 6-8 (1998)
  13. L. F. Blazhyevskyi, H. Hil', Yu. S. Krynytskyi, Yu. Blazhyevskyi
    The influence of spin interactions on dielectric and magnetic properties of relativistic charged particle systems
    Physical collection of Shevchenko Sci. Soc. 3, 315-326 (1998)
  14. L. F. Blazhyevskyi, Yu. S. Krynytskyi
    The canonical uv Bogolubov transformation in a weakly relativistic statistical theory of a charged particle system
    Condens. Matter Phys. 1, No. 3(15), 569-574 (1998)
  15. L. F. Blazhyevskyi, H. B. Hil', Yu. S. Krynytskyi
    Many-particle correlation effects and magnetism of weakly relativistic electron gas
    Condens. Matter Phys. No. 10, 3-8 (1997)
  16. L. F. Blazhyevskyi, Yu. S. Krynytskyi
    The weakly relativistic system of charged particles with spins in the external electromagnetic field
    J. Phys. Stud. 1, 191-200 (1997)
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  17. L. F. Blazhyevskyi
    Path integrals for the Liouville equation
    J. Phys. Stud. 1, 356-361 (1997)
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  18. L. F. Blazhyevskyi, H. B. Hil', S. S. Semak
    Some problems of the construction of weakly relativistic statistical mechanics
    J. Phys. Stud. 1, No. 1, 1-11 (1996)
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  19. L. F. Blazhyevskyi, H. Hil', S. Semak
    Thermodynamic equivalence and Hamilton's statistical description of weakly relativistic charged particle systems
    Physical Collection of Shevchenko Scientific Society in Lviv 2, 261-268 (1996)
  20. L. F. Blazhyevskyi
    Field aspects of the method of collective variables for the system of charged particles
    Condens. Matter Phys. Iss. 6, 23-34 (1995)
  21. L. F. Blazhyevskyi, I. M. Vasyl'kiv, H. B. Hil'
    The path integral for the temperature Green functions
    Visnyk Lviv. Univ. Ser. Fiz. 27, 3-6 (1995)