Publications by O. V. Knihinitskyi

  1. O. V. Knihinitskyi
    Caculation of the interatomic force constants for a cubic lattice in the long-wavelength approximation
    J. Phys. Stud. 8, No. 2, 141-146 (2004)
    [full text]
  2. O. V. Knihinitskyi
    Calculation of the parameters of the interatomic potentials for cubic lattices in the long-wave approximation
    Uzhhorod Univ. Sci. Herald. Ser. Phys. 14, 67-72 (2003)
  3. O. M. Popel, O. V. Knihinitskyi
    The vibrational spectra of units of amorphous SiO2.
    J. Phys. Stud. 1, 151-155 (1997)
    [full text]